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Guide to maintain a beautiful lawn and garden

Jul 11, 2024

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Maintaining a lush lawn and vibrant garden can be rewarding and fulfilling for both homeowners and renters.

Here are some simple yet effective tips to help you keep on top of your lawn and garden, investing now could save you in the long run:

  • Regular Mowing: Aim to mow the grass regularly, typically once a week during the growing season, not only does it improve its appearance but also promotes healthy growth.
  • Watering Wisely: Early mornings are the best time to water, as it minimizes water loss due to evaporation and is essential for a lush lawn and thriving garden. Be mindful of any watering restrictions in your area.
  • Weed Control: Consider using mulch in garden beds to suppress weed growth. Regularly inspect your lawn and garden beds for weeds and promptly remove them to prevent invasion.
  • Fertilize Appropriately: provides essential nutrients to your lawn and plants, promoting healthy growth and vibrant colour. Avoid over-fertilizing and make sure you use the appropriate types for your lawn and plants.
  • Prune and Trim: Remove dead or diseased branches, and shape plants to encourage proper growth. Be mindful of property boundaries and avoid encroaching on neighbouring properties with overgrown plants or branches.
  • Pest and Disease Management: Keep an eye out for signs of pests or diseases and use environmentally friendly methods whenever possible, such as hand-picking pests or using organic pesticides.


  • Know Your Responsibilities: familiarize yourself with your lease agreement as some landlords may take care of lawn care themselves or hire professionals, while others may require tenants to handle it.
  • Communicate with Your Landlord: If you encounter any issues or need assistance with lawn and garden maintenance, don't hesitate to communicate with your landlord or property management company.

By following these tips and incorporating regular maintenance into your routine, you can ensure that your lawn and garden remain healthy, vibrant, and a source of pride. Enjoy the beauty of nature right outside your doorstep!